Calvaria Pre-Sale Fundraising

Launched last week, the cryptogaming project Calvaria has attracted a lot of investor interest, has now raised $980,000 in pre-sale and is on the verge of hitting $1 million.

The project, which is currently in phase 3 of the 10-phase pre-sale, is becoming a hot topic in the cryptocurrency industry because it can solve two big problems facing blockchain games.

GameFi’s enormous potential is undeniable, but it wasn’t enough to attract casual gamers.

Calvaria emerged to solve two major problems of Game Pie

Calvaria released the company’s flagship game, ‘Duels of Eternity,’ as a P2E (Play-to-Enternity) version as well as a F2P (Free-to-Play) version, We want to solve two problems.


Developers believe that crypto games have created barriers for regular and casual gamers.

Calvaria Price Prediction

Players usually need to purchase NFTs to play the game and have knowledge of blockchain technology, such as a cryptocurrency wallet.

Calvaria provides an F2P version of ‘Duels of Eternity’, creating an environment where gamers can naturally adapt and participate in blockchain games.

First, there will be a tracker that shows players how much money they could have made if they were playing in P2E mode instead of F2P while playing F2P.

There will also be game-style quests that reward players for learning about blockchain technology and the game in general.

More details about the project can be found in the Calvaria white paper and Telegram group.



What is Duels of Eternity?

Duels of Eternity is a strategy card battle game in which players face off against living enemies, rewarded with cryptocurrency tokens.

The game is set in the afterlife and features three factions fighting for supremacy.

Calvaria Duels of Eternity

Each faction has unique characteristics and strengths, and players must use their knowledge, skills, and the timing to use power-ups to defeat rivals.

Unlike other Battlecard games, Duels of Eternity has a single-player campaign mode where players can earn power-ups and cards that can be used in player versus player mode.

플레이어는 자신의 카드로 덱을 쌓을 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 덱을 사고 파는 것도 가능하다.


칼바리아 사전 판매 세부 정보

칼바리아는 현재 10단계 사전 판매 중 세 번째 단계에 있으며 지난 주에 투자 모금액이 크게 증가했다.

거래소에서 거래될 예정이며 생태계의 거버넌스에 사용될 네이티브 RIA 토큰은 현재 0.02달러에 판매되고 있다.

Calvaria Roadmap


또 다른 토큰인 eRIA는 게임내에서 아이템 구매와 토너먼트 우승자에 대한 보상 등을 위해 쓰일 것이다.

최종 단계에 가면, 토큰은 각각 0.055달러에 판매될 것이며, 이는 0.01달러에 판매된 1단계 토큰가격보다 450% 증가한 수치이다.

최대 공급 물량인 총 3억개가 사전 판매 단계에서 판매되며, 사전 판매된 토큰에는 베스팅 기간이 없다.

나머지 토큰은 스테이킹 풀(25%), 보상풀(20%), 운영(8%), 이노(6%), 팀(5%), 유동성(4%), 자문위원(2%)이 나눠 갖는다.


사전 판매에서 칼바리아를 사는 방법

RIA 토큰을 구매하는 방법은 아래와 같다.

칼바리아 구매 전체 가이드에 더 자세한 방법이 설명되어 있다.


1단계: 암호화폐 지갑 다운로드 및 연결

투자자들은 칼바리아 구매하기 위해 메타마스크(데스크탑) 또는 트러스트 월렛(모바일) 지갑이 필요하다.

After downloading one of the apps and completing the sign-up process, visit Calvaria’s homepage, click ‘Buy Now’ and then ‘Link Wallet’.

cryptocurrency wallet

Step 2: Earn ETH or USDT

Next, since RIA cannot be bought directly with fiat currency, investors will need to put ETH or USDT in their wallets.

You can also purchase ETH or USDT from another exchange and transfer it to your wallet.

It is easier to buy ETH directly from the Calvaria website through the third-party app Changelly.

For a small fee, the platform can convert credit card payments into ETH.


Step 3: Purchase and claim RIA tokens.

After acquiring one of the tokens, you choose how much RIA you want to buy.

A minimum purchase of 1,000 RIA is required, and a small Ethereum transaction (gas) fee applies for the transaction.

Buy Calvaria


Finally, when the transaction is complete, the token must be claimed.

Tokens can be viewed on the Calvaria website until all pre-sale phases have been completed.

